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Cambridge Commodities named in Cambridgeshire Ltd's Top 100

We are proud to announce that Cambridge Commodities has been listed in the Cambridgeshire Limited Top 100 companies.

Cambridgeshire Limited is part of an annual series of business analysis by county initiated by Grant Thornton, which provides an in-depth financial analysis of the county’s 100 privately owned companies based on turnover. 

From the report, it is clear businesses in Cambridgeshire are continuing the growth story. Within this, it has been highlighted that the food and beverage sector have a £2.6bn turnover, 11,551 total employees, 4.3% EBITDA increase from the prior year and is listed in the top 3 by turnover, EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation) and number of employees.

Cambridge Commodities’ Commercial Director, Neil Hammill commented: 

“We have all worked incredibly hard to develop the business over the past few years and are constantly striving to overachieve, we are excited to enter the next stage of growth and continuing to contribute to the county’s economy.” 

Cambridge Commodities continue to invest in people, products and services, driving our progress and investment in the county. With Cambridgeshire continuing to flourish, we are proud to be a part of its growth story. 

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