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Lonza overview


Lonza is a nutritional life sciences company that researches, develops, manufactures, markets and distributes proprietary nutritional ingredients. These products are sold worldwide to manufacturers of dietary supplements, functional foods and beverages, animal, and cosmeceutical products. 


Lonza is known for its ground-breaking, innovative products that address many of the most important health concerns facing consumers today including weight management, blood sugar control, cardiovascular support, and bone and joint health. InterHealth researches, develops, manufactures, markets and distributes proprietary nutritional ingredients

These are sold worldwide to manufacturers of dietary supplements and functional foods, beverages and cosmetic products. The company’s success is earmarked by its unique, high-quality ingredients, thorough research program, outstanding customer service and powerful co-branding marketing strategy.

Cambridge Commodities is the exclusive UK supplier of Lonza's ZMA and UC-II

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