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Shield made from green tea leaf


Product code: P17391

CellFlo6® is an all-natural, high-performance green tea extract which can help with muscle recovery.

CellFlo6® stands as the ultimate choice for revolutionising sports performance formulas. It works by helping to increase blood flow which may help to support the body's vital functioning. CellFlo6®'s impact stems from its extraction process which is tailored to increase levels of specific catechins.

  • Low dose of 300-600mg 
  • Clean label ingredient
  • Clinically studied to help support circulation which as a result may help with muscle recovery 

Suitable for a diverse range of applications such blends, capsules, RTDs and functional food and beverages specifically in the pre-, peri and post-workout/recovery categories.

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Request a copy of the CellFlo6® product sheet product sheet.


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