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Product code: P01054

Actazin® is a natural, cold-pressed powder concentrate of green kiwifruit from New Zealand.

Cambridge Commcoities' partner brand Anagenix logo

Actazin® contains:

  • Soluble and insoluble fibre, for bowel regularity
  • Polyphenolics, which provide micronutrients needed by the immune system
  • Actinidin, a proteolytic enzyme which enhances protein digestion
  • Prebiotics: non-digestible carbohydrates that feed ‘good’ bacteria and can help with weight control

Actazin® is made by gently processing whole kiwifruit into a seedless, skinless puree. The puree is carefully dried and finely milled to produce Actazin®. The proprietary processing and drying techniques used ensure levels of key nutrients and bioactives are retained.

Why Actazin® is superior

The kiwifruits used to make Actazin® have 5 times the nutritional value of apples. This is due to the high level of polyphenols produced by the kiwifruit vine in response to New Zealand’s high level of UV light. 

Actazin® is: 

  • Gluten-free, because it’s entirely made from whole kiwifruit
  • Non-GMO – genetically modified organisms are highly regulated under New Zealand law.
  • Free of preservatives
  • Free of added sugars – Actazin® contains only those sugars naturally found in kiwifruit
  • Suitable for kosher and halal diets – Actazin® is certified to be kosher and halal

Categories: nutraceuticals, functional foods

Product applications: capsules, tablets, powders, blended drinks, cereals, snack bars, juices.

Request a product sheet

Product Sheet Cover

Request a copy of the Actazin® product sheet.


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