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Product code: P51590

Libifem® is a standardised fenugreek extract that supports women in maintaining a healthy quality of life. The levels of saponins in Libifem® support healthy levels of estradiol in women. This extract has been clinically shown to promote a woman’s healthy sexual vitality and desire, as well as help alleviate normal symptoms of menopause.

  • Clinically shown to enhance female sexual health & desire
  • Supports healthy levels of estradiol in women
  • Helps alleviate the symptoms of menopause

The science 

300mg of Libifem® twice/day has been shown to:

  • Balance levels of oestradiol
  • Reduce hot flushing
  • Improve libido


Suitable product applications include tablets, capsules, snacks, drinks, powder blends, bakery and food.

Request a product sheet

Product Sheet Cover

Request a copy of the Libifem® product sheet.


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