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Product code: P10489

HydroCurc® is a cold water dispersible powdered extract with an extract ratio of 25:1. It is specifically designed to increase the dispersibility of its bio-active compound, curcumin.

hydrocurc logo
  • HydroCurc® provides 85% curcuminoids which are known to support cognitive, heart, joint and overall health
  • HydroCurc® uses LipiSperse® which is a delivery technology which allows it to disperse in water, previously this was impossible.
  • HydroCurc® provides curcuminoids which are widely researched to be some of the most powerful antioxidants available in the natural world

In aqueous environments such as the stomach, the absorption of fat-soluble compounds can be limited. Turmeric and its active constituents are fat-soluble HydroCurc® contains LipiSperse®, a novel system designed to increase the dispersion of lipophilic agents in aqueous environments.

HydroCurc® has been designed in such a way that its curcumin particles freely disperse.

Inflammation is known to promote disease in the human body. Turmeric and curcumin have been studied vastly for their anti-inflammatory effects. However, it’s hydrophobic nature has always been a problem and HydroCurc® offers a solution. 

Congratulations to our partner, Gencor™ for winning:

European Specialist Sports Nutrition Awards - Best Sports Nutrition Product

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