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Product code: P15500

Made from New Zealand boysenberries and apples, BerriQi® is a scientifically proven supplement and functional food ingredient

  • Rich in anthocyanins and polyphenols which are highly effective antioxidants
  • Researched and produced in New Zealand
  • Suitable for functional food and health & wellbeing products

Berries produce anthocyanins in the final stages of ripening. Berries grown in New Zealand produce nearly 30% more anthocyanins due to increased UV intensity. Over 600 distinct structures of anthocyanins have been identified and characterised.

The global production of Boysenberry is approximately 1,600 tons per year. First planted in the late 1930s, Boysenberry vines flourish in New Zealand’s exceptional growing conditions and today, New Zealand is the largest producer of Boysenberries in the world.

BerriQi® is suitable for dietary supplements (i.e. powder blends, capsules and tablets) and functional food products.

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