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Spirulina powder blend

ProEarth® Spirulina Powder

Product code: P1921 (FEMAS), P19211

ProEarth® Spirulina Powder is derived from blue-green algae. It comes in two distinct varieties: FEMAS approved and organic.

  • High in protein
  • Microalgae superfood
  • Suited for diversified blends


What is ProEarth® Spirulina?

ProEarth® Spirulina is an amazing source of nutrients. It is 60% protein. Raw meat is only 27% protein, and even soybeans are only 34% protein. Also known as Spirulina pratensis.

The protein in ProEarth® Spirulina contains all eight essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Spirulina is one of the worlds highest known vegetable source of B-12 with high concentrations of vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-6, D, E, and K. In addition, Spirulina also provides all necessary minerals, trace elements, cell salts, and digestive enzymes. The list does not end here, however, because Spirulina also offers an abundance of chlorophyll, ferredoxins, and other pigments.

Spirulina is a water-grown, 100% vegetable plankton, a blue-green algae that grows in freshwater lakes throughout the world.


 For a technical dossier ProEarth® Spirulina and ProEarth® Spirulina (FEMAS) contact us using the quick links bar.

Request the ProEarth® brochure here

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