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A assortment of spoons filled with collagen

Coll-egan® Flex

Product code: P16921, P17341, P17342

Coll-egan® Flex is an extension of our popular Coll-egan® brand which is a bespoke combination of powdered plant-based ingredients derived by fermentation and are 100% vegan suitable. Supported with Vitamin C for approved EFSA health claims.

Combined with other notable ingredients, Coll-egan® Flex is supported by authorised EFSA health claims for collagen formation, alongside a multitude of claims relating to bones, cartilage and muscle function.

Health claim examples include:

  • Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of cartilage.
  • Vitamin D and K contribute to the maintenance of normal bones
  • Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle function.

Applications include dietary supplements (i.e. powder blends, tablets and capsules).

Available as an unflavored blend, alongside two off-the-shelf flavours with the opportunity to develop bespoke flavour blends.

  • P16921 - Coll-egan® Flex (Unflavoured)
  • P17341 - Coll-egan® Flex (Raspberry & Cranberry)
  • P17342 - Coll-egan® Flex (Mango & Passionfruit)

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