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BLENDEV.® is an off-the-shelf range of vegan-suitable vitamin and mineral blends that can be used to fortify and enrich a variety of different products.


Products listed below are off-the-shelf formulations. The BLENDEV.® range of vitamin and mineral blends can also be customised to suit specific markets and product applications. 

BLENDEV.® vit B booster - P11430

The B vitamin booster contains all eight B vitamins and is designed to meet 100% NRV per serving. Individually, each B vitamin plays a role in additional processes including skin health, vision maintenance and energy promotion. This blend is suitable for everyday wellbeing powder blend formulations.

BLENDEV.® vit B booster with Nicotinamide - P13504

A B-vitamin blend designed with nicotinamide - a form of B3 that does not cause flushing of the skin.

BLENDEV.® immune blend - P11709 

The BLENDEV.® immune blend of vitamins and minerals with authorised EFSA health claims for the contribution of the normal function of the immune system. The blend contains vitamins A, D, C, B6, and B12; folic acid; iron, zinc and copper. 

BLENDEV.® vit blend (Vita-Algae D®) - P13697

The BLENDEV.® vitamin blend provides a complete range of vitamins with a vegan, sustainable label and inclusion of branded ingredients. The blend is suitable for use in tablets, capsules and blends.

BLENDEV.® Multimineral - P11434

The BLENDEV.® Multimineral Blend has been formulated to contain 100% of all essential minerals needed for everyday life.

Have you discovered our BLENDEV+ range? The most recent pre-formulated range of vitamin and mineral blends with added botanicals that could help you achieve EFSA health claims. Find out more here!

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