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Product code: P11858 (oil) P12998 (softgel) P12925 (powder)

Ahiflower® is the richest effective combined essential fatty acids from a single plant. It is uniquely rich in the essential fatty acids stearidonic acid (SDA) and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Ahiflower® has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and beneficial immune-modulatory properties typically associated with marine oils.

  • More sustainable than fish | more bioavailable than flax | more cost effective than algae
  • A naturally complete and balanced source of omegas
  • Traceable source - soil to oil
  • Vegan

For more information, white papers, ideas of how to incorporate Ahiflower® into your products or anything else, contact us today.

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Product Sheet Cover

Request a copy of the Ahiflower®  product sheet.


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