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ProEarth® Pea Protein Isolate

ProEarth® Pea Protein Isolate

Product code: P16109 (80%), P16120 (85%)

ProEarth® Pea Protein and Pea Protein Isolate powders are extracted from pea seeds that have been soaked and crushed. Both have high protein content and are free from allergens. 

  • 80%, 85% protein content 
  • Non allergenic
  • Contains BCAAs leucine, isoleucine and valine
  • Suitable for use in drinks, powder blends, and food


What is ProEarth® Pea Protein?

ProEarth® Pea Protein and Pea Protein Isolate powders are extracted from pea seeds that have been soaked and crushed. 

ProEarth® Pea Protein has a high protein content at 85% while ProEarth® Pea Protein Isolate has a high protein content of 80% and is one of the most affordable sources of protein. They have a favourable amino acid profile, being particularly rich in the amino acid lysine. Pea Protein is complementary to wheat and other cereals. Its smooth texture and high protein content make it one of the most popular sources for vegan protein shakes and it is also very popular for fortifying foods due to its allergen-free status, high protein content and affordability.

ProEarth® Pea Protein 85% is also rich in iron, zinc and selenium and can be used in drinks, powder blends, and food.

ProEarth® Pea Protein isolate boasts all three of the branched-chain amino acids which help to decrease muscle breakdown after a workout. It also contains over three times as much arginine as whey protein. 


Request the ProEarth® brochure here

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