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ProEarth® Organic Brown Rice Protein

ProEarth® Organic Rice Protein

Product code: P10242 (80%), P02235 (Organic 80%)

ProEarth® Rice Protein powder is produced using wet milling Oryza sativa (whole grain rice).

  • 80% protein content
  • Organic certified
  • Non-allergenic

It has a high protein content of 80% and also contains the branched chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids are highly prominent in muscle tissue making them important for muscle protein synthesis.

Our brown rice protein is also a source of fibre, naturally gluten free and sugar free.


  • Sports nutrition
  • Health & wellbeing
  • Food & beverage

Product applications:

  • Powder blends
  • Meal replacement
  • Drinks
  • Functional food
  • Bars

Request the ProEarth® brochure here

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