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Visit us at Food Ingredients Europe

Join us at Food Ingredients Europe from 3rd-5th December on stand 7D21.

We will be showcasing a variety of exciting products such as: 

  • instAA® RTDs – our vegan BCAAs will be showcased in RTD format in apple and lime and strawberry and lime flavours.
  • SlimBiome® flapjack – with cacao orange and cranberry coconut flavours, these weight management flapjacks will satisfy cravings and curb hunger. 
  • BLENDEV.® chocolate bars –  vegan dark chocolate bars with added benefits. Our low sugar bars can be fortified with need state premixes.

We’ll also have salted caramel vegan protein porridge, something BRAND NEW that we’ll be launching at the show and much, much more.

Come and sample these exciting products, see our new product innovations and chat with our sales and product development teams.

We’d also like to invite you to our champagne reception on the Tuesday from 4 pm onwards. 

Book a meeting with our team here!

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