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Vegan and vegetarian softgels are here!

We are excited to bring you vegan and vegetarian suitable softgels.

Using high quality ingredients, our NPD team has added the following formulations to our range of softgels:

  • Vitamin D3 (V)
  • Evening Primrose Oil (Ve)
  • Flaxseed Oil (Ve)
  • Algae Oil (Ve)
  • Omega 3,6 and 9 (Ve)

The expansion of this range is in response to the increasing demand for plant-based alternatives as many consumers are identifying as vegan, vegetarian, or flexitarian. Innova reported that between 2015-2019, supplements bearing a plant-based or vegan claim grew annually by 34% on average. 

Cressida Cable, Head of Product Development at Cambridge Commodities said: “We have developed these softgels with our manufacturing partner using premium ingredients and high-quality production methods. We’re delighted to offer our customers a greater range of softgels and in addition to these vegan and vegetarian softgels that have been developed. Bespoke formulations are available upon request”.

Find out more about our softgels range

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