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The next big thing in plant-based proteins - hemp protein 65%

In the last 5 years we have seen a rise in plant-based proteins and as an increasing number of consumers opt for vegetarian and flexitarian diet options, there is a demand for more products tailored to their personal choices. Consumers want to make responsible choices which are not just healthy, but also factor in sustainable and ethical considerations.

Fortunately, plant-based protein powders offer a wider range of health benefits compared to non-plant-based protein powders overall which continues to attract consumers. With this trend still in full swing, Lumina Intelligence suggests that hemp protein is expected to prevail in plant-based protein powders. The reason being, it is one of the few plant proteins with a complete protein profile, hemp is predominantly derived from edestin and albumin, two proteins which are easily digestible and rich in amino acids.

King of all plant sources

Hemp, is usually standardised at 50%, however the latest addition to our ProEarth® range, organic hemp protein 65%, has 65% protein and has been engineered to have superior sensory properties focusing on mouthfeel and texture. It has been developed for increased functionality in ready to mix powdered drinks. Combined with additional micronutrient benefits, hemp protein powder is a great way for consumers to add both protein and fibre to their diet, additionally keeping them fuller for longer.

As a leading plant-based protein powder, it yields a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids. Hemp’s bioavailability and digestibility is also excellent, and it is unlikely to cause bloating which is an issue which proteins derived from pulses still tend to struggle with. These properties make It perfect for protein drink applications of all flavours and doses.

Our on-trend, off-the shelf formulation of ProEarth® organic hemp proteins 65% means that we can provide your brand with the specific ingredient that match the specific lifestyle of your consumers.

Unique benefits of ProEarth® hemp protein 65%:

  • Disperses rapidly and completely in cold liquids to deliver a smooth and even texture
  • Fresh with nutty flavour and aroma, typical of hemp seed
  • 15% omegas, with omegas 3 and 6 in the ideal ratio
  • Free of all major allergens (soy, dairy, gluten-free), lactose and grains

In addition to this, Innova Market Insights suggests that hemp products will grow in sports nutrition including in cereals and snacks. Consumer demand for more plant-based protein choices and education to the health benefits will also serve as further drivers of growth for hemp-based products.

Discover more on how our hemp protein 65% can provide the nutritional benefits your consumers want

Download our brochure and discover the complete ProEarth® range 

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