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Sneak peek: Cambridge Commodities @ Nutraceuticals

As we return to Nutraceuticals this year, we'll be showcasing some brand-new solutions and ingredients that introduce an array of unique opportunities for your business’ finished product innovation.

The first of these ingredients is our new brand Coll-egan®. Made up of a unique blend of amino acids and vitamin C to support collagen formation, Coll-egan® offers your brand the opportunity to implement a cutting edge vegan collagen formation which will enable you to expand your product’s marketing potential towards consumers seeking plant-based collagen alternatives.

Maintaining a theme of plant-based, vegan solutions to traditional ingredients, we will also be showcasing our ProEarth® range of plant-based proteins. The nutritional applications for this ever-growing catalogue of product solutions are not just limited to fortification but also contains vitamin C, entitling it to authorised health claims concerning its role in supporting the normal function of skin, blood vessels and bones. With the market as susceptible as it is to new trends, pea, soy and rice-based proteins are merely the first wave in an ongoing plant protein revolution. Our ProEarth® range naturally includes a variety of other variants which we invite you to sample at stand B14 this year.

Closing out our hand-picked selection of spotlighted products, we have invested heavily in the potential of softgels in excelling within the current nutraceutical marketplace. With consumer demand for never-before-seen softgel offerings on the rise, our range has now divided into distinct need state categories that offer solutions from eye health to standard fish oil supplements. With innovation being the name of the game, our team is certain to have something to suit your organisation’s select needs.

As we move into 2020, we remain resolute in our promise to provide nutritional ingredients and product solutions that meet our renowned standards of quality. We hope you’ll visit us at stand B14 to explore all the ways we can continue to make that happen.

The Nutraceuticals Europe exhibition takes place in Madrid, Spain from the 4th – 5th of March.

Click here to book a meeting with our Nutraceuticals team!

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