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Shipping costs affecting the global supply chain

Following on from our previous supply pricing update, we are continuing to see an increase in costs as demand for transportation rises.

Chris Dakin, Cambridge Commodities International Logistics Manager says “The high shipping costs are being seen across the globe as transportation availability and port congestion are putting pressure on pricing and extending lead times.

The demand is currently exceeding the supply availability of the shipping industry; lack of empty containers in China, mixed with the COVID restrictions with the European lockdown has caused a delay in the container rotation.

From what we can see, we expect to experience some delays and for prices to remain high until after the Chinese New Year, and possibly beyond.

We are closely monitoring the situation, consistently looking for the best value for our customers.”

Our expert team is seeking ways to minimise additional costs and we will continue to update our customers as best we can.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about how your supply chain will be impacted here.

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