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Raising £20k for 20 years of Cambridge Commodities

This year, Cambridge Commodities has set the challenge of raising £20,000 for Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust (ACT) to celebrate 20 years of CCL. ACT is the only registered charity dedicated to supporting innovation in patient care across Cambridge University Hospitals. ACT’s aim is to raise funds to provide a level of patient care beyond that which can be delivered by NHS funding alone.

“We are very excited and proud to be working with ACT, a local charity with causes very close to home.” Commented Abi Heaton, marketing executive. “From bake sales, book sales and charity meals, we are confident that we can achieve this ambitious target with help from our staff and members of the local community.” Abi continued.

Every penny that Cambridge Commodities raises will go straight to ACT to help improve the lives of patients and support their families. 


How can your donations help?

£100 - Pay for pizza to a new support group for dads whose babies are in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Feedback from fathers who attended the sessions commented: “It was reassuring and gave me hope”, “Listening to other Dads’ stories of their journey so far was reassuring it is good to know that you’re not alone”.

£2,000 – Contribute to projects such as Jungle Trail which has been created to provide a fun distraction for younger patients. Children who stay in hospital for long periods of time lose normal opportunities to get out and about affecting the physical, emotional and cognitive development. Children can enjoy two different trails (mainly outdoors) where they interact with animal themed games.

£3,900 - Liver failure can affect anyone regardless of age and lifestyle. Tragically, 20% of patients pass away before a suitable donor is found. Cutting edge liver perfusion technology enables transplant surgeons to ‘test’ livers before performing the transplant procedure. This ensures not only are unsafe livers not transplanted, but also that viable livers are not unnecessarily discarded. ACT is confident this technology will help them perform 25 more liver transplants per year with each perfusion costing £3,900.

£7,500 – Contributes to funding for three specialist pumps on a new incubator for the Acute Neonatal Transfer Service (ANTS). This specialist ambulance service transfers poorly, tiny babies from across the East of England to their nearest available Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Every year, around 600 babies need this very high level of support to give them the best chance of survival.

- Fund four Dementia Reminiscence Systems for use with patients with dementia. One quarter of all patients at Addenbrooke’s Hospital suffer from dementia and for these frail and vulnerable patients, the hospital can be a frightening and confusing place.

Want to help us reach our target? Get in touch today by emailing the team at

Visit our JustGiving page

You can keep up-to-date with our fundraising activities by following our LinkedIn and Instagram page @cambridgecommodities.

Find out more about Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust here.

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