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Quality Approval Processes at Cambridge Commodities

By Shannon McKenna, quality specialist

Ensuring the integrity and quality of our supply is at the core of our business; we only purchase products from suppliers who have passed our strict approval process. All raw material suppliers who wish to work with Cambridge Commodities must complete extensive raw material, site and regulatory questionnaires to become an accredited supplier.

Supplier Approval Questionnaires

The approval questionnaires help us to establish whether the processes and procedures the supplier has in place are adequate to maintain food safety and quality. We obtain information such as site location, through to hygiene and contamination controls. This information helps to provide assurances to our customers that our suppliers are amongst the best in the industry. 

Site Audits

To verify the information given by our suppliers, we conduct regular site audits. We have a dedicated team who travel around the globe auditing our suppliers internationally and close to home. If a supplier fails the audit and they are unable to demonstrate that they are making the recommended improvements, they will be blacklisted and trading will cease.

Raw Material Verification

Site maintenance and processing controls are only the first part of our approval process. Once we are satisfied with the information provided, we move on to the product we intend to purchase.  Our raw material questionnaire is a comprehensive assessment of the product with the primary aim of proving that what we’re buying from the supplier is the promised material. We request detailed information ranging from allergen and intolerance data, to stability information. We also dedicate time to investigating possible cases of food fraud to ensure the risks in the supply chain are identified and reduced for our customers.

Once an approved material has arrived on site, any risks that may have been identified are then checked through external third party testing. All materials that arrive on site are subject to a visual inspection and must be analysed using Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR). This allows us to perform a quick identification check of the product and assures us that the material is what it says it is. When we are satisfied that a material meets all of the parameters outlined, it will be released for sale.

To find out more about our supplier and raw material approval process, please contact:

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