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Our top 5 brands for the vegan market

Green smoothie

Our Product Innovation team has picked our top 5 vegan ingredients to utilise in your formulations this Veganuary.

The following Cambridge Commodities' branded ingredients allow you to premiumize your products:

1. ProEarth® Vegan Protein Range

Our ProEarth® vegan proteins are clean-label, often allergen-free and easily digestible due to their fibre content. In addition to this, plant protein sources can provide a full profile of amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids.

2. instAA® Vegan BCAAs

instAA®, is a vegan-suitable amino acid blend that provides the branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) L- Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine in a ratio of 2:1:1. These amino acids are highly prominent in muscle tissue making them important for muscle protein synthesis.

3. SuperGreens™ Greens Blend

The new and improved SuperGreens™ blend with twice the choice! SuperGreens™ and SuperGreens™+  together consist of 14 specially selected, high-quality greens ingredients. Boasting many EFSA health claims and is a clean-label product.

4. Coll-egan® Vegan Collagen Formation

Coll-egan® is a bespoke blend of amino acids that are found in high quantities within collagen and the associated connective tissues within the human body such as the blood vessels, the cartilage or the gums. Our Coll-egan® is combined with vitamin C for EFSA health claims relating to collagen formation.

5. Vita-algae D® Vegan Vitamin D3

Vita-algae D® is a vegan alternative to the conventional vitamin D3 which is obtained from animal origin. Registered by the vegan society as vegan-suitable, it meets the growing demand for vegan substitutes and plant-based foods.

If you're interested in finding out more, click below to get in touch with a member of our team now.

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