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Our fierce new performance ingredient

We have partnered with Cardia6 to enable you to access CellFlo6®, a breakthrough new ingredient for the sports nutrition market.

CellFlo6® stands as the ultimate choice for revolutionising sports performance formulas. It works by helping to increase blood flow which may help to support the body's vital functioning. CellFlo6®'s impact stems from its extraction process which is tailored to increase levels of specific catechins.

CellFlo6® is patent pending in both Europe and the UK, reinforcing its uniqueness and pioneering status. Its ability to support enhanced blood flow makes it a perfect partner for other ingredients.

Scientifically engineered for impact, CellFlo6® sets a new standard in athletic endurance and recovery and can help your customers reach their athletic potential.

Applications include blends, capsules, RTDs and functional food and beverages specifically in the pre-, peri and post-workout/recovery categories.

For formulators who refuse to settle for mediocrity, CellFlo6® isn't just a solution—it's a foundation that empowers you to craft sports nutrition formulations that lead the market.

Embrace the power of CellFlo6® and unleash a new era of performance excellence in the sports nutrition arena!

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