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New import controls update

The UK has been introducing post-Brexit import controls in phases, with new rules still to be introduced at three points across 2024 under the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM).

As of 31st January, the following new sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) controls – which particularly impact agrifood businesses – were introduced:

  • New risk categories – ‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’ – determine what level of checks and documentation are required for different goods subject to SPS controls
  • Export health certificates are required for imports of medium-risk animal-origin, plants and plant-based products, as well as high-risk food and feed of non-animal origin entering Britain from the EU

Further changes will be introduced on 30th April and 31st October this year. We will keep you updated on the development.

It is planned that physical checks will begin on several goods – including eggs, dairy, meat and berries – from 30th April.

Cambridge Commodities' goods for human consumption and with a stable long shelf-life moved from EU and imported to UK are considered low risk, hence the new import rules will not impact our trade. Our UK customers will not experience any impact following the introduction of the new rules from 31st January 2024.

You can read introductory information leaflets for businesses on health certificates and import notifications on

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