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Latest partner ingredient: CETO3® Omega-11 and Omega-3 softgels

We have partnered with Grøntvedt Biotech, a Norwegian vertically integrated biotech company developing high-quality marine ingredients derived from Norwegian Pelagic fish.

Their product CETO3® contains high levels of Omega-11 & Omega-3 EPA/DHA. It is these high levels of Omega-11 which are uniquely found in North Atlantic pelagic fish and have been shown to stimulate the human body's own production of EPA/DHA.

Not only this, the production method of CETO3® secures a fresh product with brilliant sensory qualities such as no taste, smell, or unpleasant reflux that is typically found in standard omega softgels.

CETO3®'s softgel formats are perfect for the health & wellbeing and sports nutrition markets.

Available in 500mg and 1000mg.

For more information, you can visit the product page or contact the team!

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