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In the spotlight: the purple power of Haskapa

Haskapa berry powder in a bowl

When you have over 2500 nutritional ingredients and product solutions, it’s easy to forget just how special each one is. Fortunately, all of us at Cambridge Commodities know the importance of making quality a priority at every turn. Each of our branded and partner ingredients has been meticulously vetted to ensure that they fall in line with our mission statement: promoting wellbeing worldwide under a name you can trust.

But helping you to keep your consumers happy and healthy isn’t just a matter of using the best ingredients – it’s understanding what makes those ingredients spectacular so you can maximise their usage and spread the good word to your target audience. That’s why we’ll be giving you some insight into the finer points of some of our finest ingredients in a new ongoing feature called ‘In the spotlight’.

We’ll be kicking off with a look at our new partner-in-purple, Haskapa, complete with a retelling of the extraordinary story that started with a little-known berry and ended with their one-of-a-kind Haskapa Berry Powder.

The story so far

Haskapa is the brainchild of environmentally conscious entrepreneur Simon and medical doctor Evie, a husband and wife team who fell head over heels for a berry loaded with antioxidants on a 2010 trip to Canada. Taking the initiative, the couple ventured to Nova Scotia, Canada to start their very own berry farm. With ethical, humanitarian business prospects in mind, Simon and Evie adopted the namesake of their brand from the berry that would define both its key ingredient and its unique selling point.

In just three short years, the ambitious members of the Haskapa team had created a drink that earned the coveted title of Best Newcomer at the 2013 World Juice Awards. From there the mission was simple: producing exciting new formats for spreading the Haskapa brand far and wide. Not content to stop at a ready-to-drink, Haskapa made it a number one priority to alert the ethical consumer to the limitless potential of their trademark ‘purple power’. With a few tweaks to their award-winning formula, the company released a freeze-dried powdered variant of their product which sought to retain the high levels of anthocyanins native to their original berry juice while allowing customers to mix its distinctive taste into their everyday meals. Launched in 2017, Haskapa Berry Powder was shipped to carefully selected Canadian suppliers as the latest, greatest entry into an ever-expanding line of Haskapa products.

It’s been another three years since then, and we are pleased to be the exclusive distributors of Haskapa Berry Powder. With similarities of brand and ethos that go well beyond being purple, we hope to enjoy a long-lived partnership spreading a positive message of nutrition the best way we know how: by offering your company only the finest ingredients and product solutions.

The bottom line

If you’re wondering about the applications of Haskapa Berry Powder and how you could introduce it to your products, the opportunities it presents are open to explore.  

Taste aside, Haskapa Berry Powder has a range of selling points that makes it just the kind of ingredient your company needs to create unique offerings that will revitalise any catalogue.:

  • It has 2-3x the number of antioxidants found in blueberries
  • It can be easily blended into food and drinks for an antioxidant boost
  • Its zesty, natural flavour can complement any product 
  • It has high quantities of cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G), which makes up 85% of anthocyanin content
  • It is currently the subject of high-grade research being invested in by its parent company

If this article has piqued your interest and you think Haskapa Berry Powder may be a welcome addition to your catalogue of products, place a call a to your account manager to find out what a double dose of purple power can do for you.

Contact us about Haskapa!

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