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How our fundraising helped Addenbrookes Charitable Trust (ACT) make the most of 2020

CC staff outside holding ACT fundraising cheque amount

2020 was a year defined by changes to the status quo, many of which presented our nation’s medical workers with several challenges to overcome. It was a difficult time for everyone at Addenbrooke’s hospital as every available resource was strained by the ongoing global crisis. With the essential nature of their work being highlighted more brilliantly than ever, the team at Cambridge Commodities felt that it was equally essential to band together to raise as much money as possible for the Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust (ACT).

Through the combined efforts of our staff and our sponsors, we are uproariously excited to announce that we managed to raise a grand total of £76,385.12 for ACT. To inspire others to give to this noble cause, we have put together a breakdown of how our donation was allocated to enhance the lives of those staying and working at Addenbrooke’s Hospital.

Emergency Appeal - £18,000

With COVID putting a strain on medical services and professionals the world over, £18,000 of our donation has been put towards funding countermeasures which include:

  • A fleet of 35+ iPads, which has been rolled out to enable patients to video call with their families.
  • Cutting-edge research to help the NHS fight the COVID-19 virus.
  • A study into prone position ventilation to improve oxygenation in COVID-19 patients outside of critical care.
  • Food parcels for vulnerable patients during the discharge process.

ACTs of Kindness - £15,000

As a much-deserved thanks to our NHS superheroes at Addenbrooke’s, £15,000 of our donation provided hospital staff with tokens of our collective gratitude, which include:

  • Valentines chocolate hearts for all 11,000 members of staff.
  • A fast-acting hand balm to help sore, chapped hands.
  • Vouchers for members of staff nominated for ‘You’ve Made a Difference’ awards.

The ACTS of Kindness fund will not only show the community’s appreciation for hospital staff during these tumultuous times but will also enable them to respond quickly and effectively by boosting their morale when it is most needed.

The DigiVis project - £22,050

The ophthalmology clinic at Addenbrooke’s has the highest number of outpatients in the entire hospital, with more than 2,000 patients being seen monthly. The team deals with a range of conditions that require regular monitoring to prevent permanent visual impairment from conditions such as glaucoma, corneal disorders, and age-related macular degeneration.

With the COVID crisis, the clinic can field only the most urgent cases, totalling an average of 30 per week. For other patients, waiting up to 6 months for a delayed appointment or undertaking telephone appointments.

To counteract this issue, the team has been developing an app for people to test their vision at home called ‘DigiVis’. By allowing individuals to match letters on their handheld devices with those seen on a device further away, the program will provide crucial information on the urgency of their review and the need for any potential investigation or treatment.

Theodora Giggle Doctors - £8,335.12

The Theodora Giggle Doctors are a trope of professional performers trained to work in both hospital and hospice environments to provide children with entertainment during their stays. The Giggle Doctors can be just what children need to buoy their spirits in difficult times.

The Giggle Doctor programme at Addenbrooke’s is provided by the Theodora Children’s Charity and is geared towards reducing stress and anxiety while increasing opportunities for play and self-care. Thanks to our donation, the Giggle Doctors will be able to visit every child who requests them while staying at the hospital.

The R2S2 robot project - £10,000

Back in 2005, ACT enabled Addenbrooke’s to become one of the first UK hospitals to offer prostate cancer patients the option of robotic prostatectomies. Since then, over 2,200 of these robotic procedures have been performed to phenomenal success, with over 90% of men being discharged after the first post-operative day.

For this reason, ACT has embarked on an appeal to raise a total of £1.5m to provide six new areas of surgery with access to a robotic surgeon.

With a new robot each, an additional 1,570 patients across these six departments will benefit from:

  • Shorter hospital stays.
  • Smaller surgery wounds with less pain.
  • Fewer complications post-surgery due to wound infection.
  • Reduced blood loss and need for blood transfusion.
  • Faster healing and recovery due to smaller scars and less invasive surgery.
  • Improved bodily function following surgery.
  • Significantly reduced mortality rates (below the national average).

Christmas presents and the children’s toy appeal

For patients staying at the Addenbrooke’s hospital over the festive period, our donation was able to provide enough activity packs, books, and hand creams to make them feel loved and seen. Furthermore, our contribution to the children’s toy appeal allowed for a special visit from a gift-bearing Santa to lift spirits during the holidays.

Thank you to everyone who supported us to achieve the above causes.

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