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How BLENDEV.®+ Beauty All in One brings it all together for hair, skin and nails

As a global market projected to reach an estimated value of $3.33 billion by 2026, the beauty supplements industry is bustling with opportunities for manufacturers and consumers alike to secure external results with internal innovation. As we enter a new year that’s equally rife with product development potential, we’re happy to introduce the newest addition to our BLENDEV.® line of branded products with BLENDEV.®+ Beauty All in One – a blend of the essential vitamins and minerals for contributing to the normal function of hair, skin and, nails.  

Your friend in blend

Those familiar with our catalogue of BLENDEV.® products may also be aware of our past BLENDEV.® hair, skin and nails offerings. BLENDEV.®+ Beauty All in One is unique in that it represents a comprehensive solution for beauty from within that adopts the distinct qualities and ingredients of all three of these original BLENDEV.® offerings to foster more holistic results as a combination blend.

Much like those original offerings it expands upon, BLENDEV.®+ Beauty All in One is fortified by science and authorised EFSA health claims. With ingredients specifically chosen for their roles in promoting beauty from within, BLENDEV.®+ Beauty All in One secures a robust array of health claims which include:

  • Biotin, Zinc, Selenium, and Copper for contributing to normal hair maintenance
  • Zinc and Selenium for contributing to normal nails maintenance
  • Biotin, Iodine, and Zinc for contributing to normal skin maintenance
  • Copper for contributing to normal skin and hair pigmentation
  • Niacin, Riboflavin, and Vitamin A for contributing to normal skin and mucous membranes maintenance
  • Vitamin C for contributing to normal collagen formation for normal skin function

With the efficiency and efficacy of the BLENDEV.® brand behind it, BLENDEV.®+ Beauty All in One is sure to meet and exceed the standards of quality needed to distinguish your product line from the competition.

Behind the blend

At Cambridge Commodities, we know that beauty is never skin deep. With your consumers, that can mean anything from a healthy diet to a regular intake of Vitamins and Minerals. For your product line, however, the solution is simple: it’s the ingredients that count. That’s why the entirety of our BLENDEV.® line contains finished blends that have been developed with manufacture in mind to ensure our customers get the finest ingredients for the finest results.

BLENDEV.®+ Beauty All in One is suitable for use in tablets, capsules and powder blends, making it highly versatile for wherever you might wish to implement it.

For more information on BLENDEV.®+ Beauty All in One or any of our BLENDEV.® products, contact our team today.

Contact us to inquire about BLENDEV.®+ Beauty All in One!

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