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Cambridge Commodities Named in Cambridgeshire Ltd's Top 100

We are excited to announce that Cambridge Commodities has been ranked number 51 in The Cambridgeshire Ltd study for the first time. It is an annual report that provides an in-depth financial analysis of the county’s 100 largest companies owned and managed in Cambridgeshire. The report showed that business growth within Cambridgeshire outstripped the national average in 2017.

Cambridge Commodities’ Commercial Director, Neil Hammill commented:

“We are thrilled to have been named as one of the top 100 companies within Cambridgeshire. As a member of the panel, I was asked my opinion on Brexit, staff engagement and infrastructure challenges in the region.

“We have all worked incredibly hard to develop the business over the past few years and having recently expanded to new European territories and the US, we are excited to enter the next stage of growth and continuing to contribute to the country’s economy.”

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