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Cambridge Commodities is open for business

As a supplier of fine quality ingredients and supplements to food and drink manufacturers in the UK and around, the government has decided we need to stay open to ensure we can continue to support wellbeing worldwide.

While continuing to supply fabulous products and great service in support of all our customers, we have taken drastic and creative measures to ensure the safety of our teams, their families and the wider population from COVID-19.

Following government advice since the very beginning of the outbreak, we’ve trialled and implemented contingency plans, so we are all still at work, successfully working together at a safe distance.

We are proud to say that, with massive personal dedication and some neat technology, our sales, procurement, quality, marketing, product development, finance and admin teams are all connected as normal; you wouldn’t believe they are all working from makeshift offices in their own homes! 

At our Ely HQ, we now have a tiny minority of staff, working 1 to every 8 desks spaced around the office. Our quality control, warehouse and packing teams are being careful to follow the safe distancing rules as they are working together, at full tilt to test, pack and dispatch goods. There is no way these jobs could be done at home!

Business is as good as ever, but it is eerily quiet here. The normal buzz, excitement and humour of a hundred-odd office-based staff are confined to headsets, video conferences and messages. We can’t wait to welcome back all our staff and to be free once more to meet face to face with our customers and suppliers.

Thank you for your commitment to CC through this challenge and we wish you and your families the very best.

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