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Cambridge Commodities is COVID-19 secure

We are happy to announce that the Cambridge Commodities HQ is officially COVID-19 secure.

While maintaining the supply of high-quality products and great service in support of all our customers, we have taken drastic and creative measures to ensure the safety of our teams, their families, and the wider population from COVID-19.

Since the very beginning of the outbreak we have been following government advice to trial and implement contingency plans. As part of the process of earning COVID-19 secure status, a series of risk assessments were carried out on the premises to ensure the safety of our staff. As a result, we are confident that we will continue to successfully work together at a safe distance supplying the highest quality nutritional ingredients worldwide.

Thank you for your commitment to CC through this challenge. As always, stay safe and we will keep you updated of our shared situation as it progresses.

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