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Cambridge Commodities becomes a Friend of the Sea member

We are excited to announce that Cambridge Commodities is now a member of Friend of the Sea. It is a not-for-profit organisation that is committed to certifying that all seafood is sourced from sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.

Friend of the Sea has become a leading certification standard for products and services which respect and protect the marine environment. The certification awards sustainable practices in Fisheries, Aquaculture, Fishmeal and Omega 3 Fish Oil.

Head of Product Development, Cressida Cable said: “We are excited to become a Friend of the Sea member. Providing our customers with sustainable products is at the heart of Cambridge Commodities’ values. By ensuring our complete supply chain is certified, we are giving our customers peace of mind our fish oil soft gels are produced from a sustainable source”.

To become certified, we underwent a thorough auditing process that reviewed our complete supply chain. This was from the raw materials used in our fish oil soft gels to the manufacturing procedures we adhere to. Cressida continued: “This certificate enables customers purchasing fish oil soft gels from Cambridge Commodities to apply to use the Friend of the Sea logo on their product labels. Becoming a member of Friend of the Sea which will help to educate consumers and support Friend of the Sea’s continued conservation projects”.

For more information on Friend of the Sea certified fish oil soft gels from Cambridge Commodities, please click here to contact a member of our team.

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