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Cambridge Commodities adds Calmaluma™ to Gencor range

We have extended our range of ingredients from our partner, Gencor and have added Calmaluma to our offering.

Calmaluma™ is an extract derived from Caralluma fimbriata, a succulent plant. It has been considered as not novel in food supplements and affirmed safe by six toxicity studies.

Calmaluma™ is created using a patented process which extracts the key constituents of the Caralluma fimbriata plant. Cressida Cable, Head of Product Development said: “This process has allowed Gencor to develop an effective, safe, and easy-to-use ingredient. Not only this, Calmaluma™ has been clinically researched for both its safety and functionality, providing additional assurance to manufacturers and end consumer.”

Calmaluma™ is available as a 90% water-soluble free flowing powder. Additionally, it offers heat, acidic and alkaline stability, making it suitable for use in capsules, tablets, and powder blends. With rigorous research, Gencor established CFE's mechanisms in-vitro and in-vivo and its influence on receptors involved in mood regulation.

Caralluma fimbriata is an edible plant from India where it grows abundantly and has been used in Indian culture for thousands of years. Typically, it blooms in late summer with brown, purple, tan, yellow or red blossoms.

Click here for more information on Calmaluma™

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