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Are you looking for ways to reduce the salt and fat levels in your plant-based foods?

We sat down with our Product Innovation Manager, Amy Lynch to discuss how brands and manufacturers can reduce salt and fat levels in plant-based food and offer cleaner alternatives to their consumers.

What is a common issue brands face when formulating vegan foods?

When brands make plant-based food alternatives with the aim of re-creating the taste of meat, many add more salt to their products than is advisable. Product developers can also struggle to add texture to their food products that are lower in fat.

Are there any ingredients from CC that can help?

To try and combat the salt problem, we have partnered with Seagreens to bring brands and manufacturers their Ascophyllum granules. These can be incorporated into a whole range of foodstuffs to help decrease salt content whilst maintaining the palatability of the product.

This substitute provides a salty taste with only 3.5% sodium and is 100% from vegetable origin making it appropriate for those following a vegan diet*.

What are the benefits of Seagreens®?

Seagreens® is standardised for iodine meaning you can access health claims associated with this mineral such as “contribution to normal cognitive function**.” for more information, follow the link here for our health claims page (link).

In a 2010 study at Sheffield Hallam University, participants compared the organoleptic properties of bread with 50% Seagreens inclusion and 100% Seagreens in comparison to a 100% salt control. Compared to the control group, the Seagreens remained extremely popular among the participants.

If you’d like to read more about this study, it can be found here.

Is there anything brands can do to reduce levels of fat in vegan food?

A way for product developers to get around a lack of fat to bind products together is to add ingredients that are high in pectin to their products.

High-pectin ingredients can be used in meat substitutes to make the “meat” appear more plump thanks to pectin’s brilliant water-retaining abilities. An added benefit is that this natural source of pectin can be referred to as “citrus fibre” on the label.

For more information on Seagreens® or our natural pectin sources, please speak to a member of our team.

 Amy Lynch BSc (Hons) ANutr, Product Innovation Manager

*There is possible cross-contact with fish, crustaceans, and molluscs so while the product is vegan, it doesn’t rule out these allergens.

**Product must meet conditions of use to allow for iodine claim, i.e., the product would need a claimable quantity of iodine in it.

*** Sea Greens ability to increase satiety for longer is not an authorised health claim. If the customer wishes to make an authorised health claim, they should look at adding ingredients that permits them.

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