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A joint venture - your guide to animal joint health with Cambridge Commodities

We may have different roles and responsibilities, but humans and pets are all too similar in one very important way: whether we’re running, walking or standing stock still, joint health is a must-have to ensure we can get from point A to point B with minimal pain and discomfort. You may be familiar with some of the supplements your human consumers use to keep themselves in fighting form as they exert and age, but, when it comes to animals, the necessity of nutrition for joint support and beyond can often wind up understated.

At Cambridge Commodities, we specialise in finding opportunities to spread health and wellbeing across a range of key industry sectors. If you’re curious about what you can do to position your pet and equine products for joint support, we have compiled a selection of some of our finest nutritional ingredients into a helpful graphic that’ll give you both an indication of what might work and the motivation to give us a call.   

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