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A complete guide to Zinc and immunity

At Cambridge Commodities, we have always recognised the vital importance of staying happy and healthy through nutrition. As part of an ongoing emphasis to providing our community with quality expertise, our ‘immunity community’ blog series has been positioned to provide our customers with insights into the role immunity ingredients can play in promoting their products. This week, we’ll be providing an overview of zinc.

The A-to-Z of Zinc

There’s much to be said for Zinc as a nutritional ingredient. Considered an essential dietary mineral that plays several roles in the body, Zinc is lost through sweat, making it an important component in sports nutrition supplements and products. Research suggests that Zinc deficiency might even impair growth in children and result in lethargy and skin abnormalities in adults, which emphasises the value of Zinc-based products that can be integrated into the dietary practices of your consumers. 

In terms of EFSA claims, the many approved benefits of Zinc can be a massive boon to immunity products: 

  • Zinc contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • Zinc contributes to normal cognitive function
  • Zinc contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress
  • Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal bones
  • Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal hair, skin and nails

Multifunctional with a wealth of applications for your brand, Zinc can be just the infusion your product range needs to go above and beyond.  

Cambridge Commodities and Zinc

We take special pride in our dedication to sourcing ingredients and blends that showcase both our ideals of quality and product applications. Our Zinc blends are fully reacted, which allows them to be more effectively absorbed into the body and range from standard solutions - to specialised formats with highly bioavailable elemental values. If your company specialises in a particular sector, different Zinc ingredients can have differing levels of solubility and varying tastes to ensure your product can maximise its potential regardless of whether it’s a protein shake or a cosmetic cream.

Special solutions: Zinc Gluconate and softgels

One recommended solution containing Zinc is our Zinc Gluconate blend. Zinc Gluconate (P26030), which is Zinc bonded to Gluconic Acid and a by-product from oxidised Glucose, is permitted for use in fortified foods, food supplements, diet replacements for weight control, cereal-based foods and baby foods for infants and children. Derived from Gluconic Acid and Zinc Oxide, it is a vegan-suitable ingredient that is also water-soluble. As a directly compressible (DC) product, Zinc is granular and well-suited for tablet applications. It is often employed as a key ingredient in Zinc lozenges to take advantage of its previously referenced role in maintaining immune health. 

For a softgel solution suited to your immunity product line, our Multivitamin & Mineral Softgel for Hair, Skin and Nails (P13991) softgel contains 19 active ingredients, including Zinc. Produced from Halal-approved bovine gelatine and flavoured with lemon essence to help suppress reflux, this product is ideal for consumers who suffer from conditions like dysphagia and can support your product’s ability to cater to a diverse section of consumers. Our Tribulus, Magnesium & Zinc (P14320) softgel pairs Zinc’s immune-boosting properties with Magnesium’s for both the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and for its ability to contribute to normal protein synthesis. Our Zinc, Magnesium & B6 (P14319) softgel also utilises a powerful trio of ingredients to engender a number of label claims for contributing to the metabolism of carbohydrates and macronutrients, the maintenance of normal bone and muscle function and the regulation of hormonal activity. As always, our softgel innovations pair brilliantly with everyday health and wellbeing to the commercial benefit of your company.

If you’d like further insight into our Zinc ingredients or you’d like to request a sample of our line of Zinc softgels, you can contact our team now to find out more.

Contact us to explore our range of Zinc products!

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