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3 ways to meet the alternatives trend

What does an ‘alternatives to all’ trend mean for our market place?

Innova has highlighted ‘alternatives for all’ as a consumer trend for 2019. Research from the Innova Trends Survey 2018 showed health as being a major factor for buying alternatives, as well as diet variety, novelty and sustainability. The interest in a cleaner and transparent lifestyle results in a growing number of consumers seeking what they believe to be healthier diets.

 How can we help you meet this consumer demand?

 1. Natural colours

As consumers are looking for more eye-catching products, the demand for bright vivid consumption follows. However, consumers are becoming more health conscious and aware of what they are eating. We believe natural doesn’t have to mean boring, we have a wide range of natural colours available in stock. Below is just an example of how we stock from orange and yellow to red and black:

Beta-carotene is the pigment that gives carrots their orange colour, at CCL our beta- carotene can be used to colour drinks orange or provide a source of vitamin A:
P11554 Beta Carotene 10% Synthetic
P02124 Beta Carotene 20% Tablet Grade
P3104 E160a Beta Carotene 1% Colour

Curcumin, the bright yellow pigment for turmeric, is associated with health benefits due to its anti-inflammatory actions:
P03497 Curcumin 95% Curcumin Granular
P29716 Curcumin Extract 20%
P11149 Turmeric Extract (Curcuminoids 10%)
P27891 Organic Turmeric Powder
P20095 Turmeric Powder

Beetroot powder
Our natural beetroot is an on-trend, clean label colouring and can be used as a natural red colouring:
P02035 Beetroot (red) Powder
P02036 Beetroot Extract 4:1
P34173 Beetroot Extract min 0.8% Nitrates

P02281 Red Beetroot Powder

Activated charcoal
Activated charcoal has become hugely popular, with a rise in products being developed with this black colouring. From lattes to lemonade, our activated charcoal has an authorised health claim for flatulence and is associated with detoxification:
P01040 Activated Charcoal
Contact us to go over your natural colour needs

2. Vegan protein  

Last year Innova saw a 46% average annual growth of food and beverages launches with a vegan claim (Global, 2013-2017), with pea and sunflower both in the spotlight. Here at CCL we have developed our own range of tasty vegan proteins, ProEarth®.

The ProEarth® range consists of:
ProEarth® Hemp Protein
ProEarth® Pea Protein
ProEarth® Soy Protein
ProEarth® Hydrolysed Wheat Gluten
ProEarth® Chickpea Protein
ProEarth® Organic Brown Rice Protein
ProEarth® Organic Sunflower Protein
ProEarth® Organic Coconut Protein
ProEarth® Pumpkin Seed Protein
ProEarth® Hemp Protein 65%
ProEarth® vegan proteins can be included in a variety of finished products including blends, bars and healthy snack products. Download our ProEarth brochure®.

3. Sugar replacers

A survey conducted by the Food Standards Agency reported that 50-60% of consumers are concerned with sugar content in their diet. However, consumers are still looking for the same great taste.

One product we have to combat this issue is IMOFibe™. IMOFibe™ is sourced from tapioca starch and contains isomalto-oligosaccharide. It is made up of carbohydrate chains which are resistant to digestion and is 50-60% as sweet as sucrose, making it the perfect partner to high-intensity sweeteners. It can also be used in reduced sugar products and has great binding capabilities. IMOFibe™ is available in powder and syrup formats, whilst being suitable for use in snacks, powder blends, bakery and food. Learn more about the benefits of IMOFibe.

Another plant-based sweetener developed exclusivity by NPD experts at CCL is Sucari®. We carefully combine selected plant-derived sweeteners to deliver a taste, texture and mouthfeel that is close to traditional sugar. Sucari® contains only a fraction of the calories of sugar whilst not compromising on taste. It is suitable for use in food and drink product development as per local legislation. Download our sugar alternatives buyers guide.

Want to know how to incorporate more alternatives into your product range? Contact our sales team today.



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