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Cocoa powder reduced fat

Product code: P03359

  • Cocoa powder reduced fat
  • 10-12% fat content

The Cocoa tree is believed to have originated in the foothills of the Andes in the Amazon and the Orinoco basins of South America where some wild trees can still be found today. However due to cultivation of these areas its thought that it was then introduced to both Central America and Mexico. Approximatly 70% of the worlds crops are now grown in West Africa.

The cocoa pod has a rough rind which varies greatly depending on the origin and variety it contains a sweet pulp known as ‘Baba de Cacao’ in South America it can contain between 30 and 50 large almond sized beans. These are often pink to purple in coulour and soft to touch.

Cocoa comes from the fatty seed of the cocao tree which is dried and partially fermented, its from this that chocolate is made. Cocoa often also refers to cocoa powder which is made by finely grinding the cocoa seeds and then removing the cocoa butter from the bitter cocoa solids.

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