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We’ve passed our first unannounced BRC audit

Our quality team was busy last week making sure our BRC audit ran smoothly, and we are delighted to announce we have passed!

Becky Ryder, Head of Quality & Technical said: “This is an incredible achievement in itself. However, this year was our first unannounced audit which makes the achievement all the more impressive and demonstrates that we work to high standards at all times.”

As this was an unannounced audit, we have achieved the grade BRC AA+.

During the audit we are assessed on everything we do regarding food safety, our quality processes and how our operational processes ensure the highest level of food safety and quality.

BRC Issue 8 has been developed to specify the food safety, quality and operational criteria that are required to be in a place within a food manufacturing organisation. It aims to fulfil obligations regarding legal compliance and customer protection.

Issue 8 focuses on the implementation of good manufacturing processes, in particular, labelling and packaging. Another key focus is support for quality management systems as well as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) based food safety programmes.

Quality remains extremely important to us, and we will continue to provide the highest quality nutritional ingredients to improve wellbeing worldwide.

To view our full list of quality accreditations, click here.

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